Publishing Consulting

Everything about academic life, from the dissertation to peer review to the culture of conferences, discourages risk-taking in writing. And yet, scholars have critical insights to offer policymakers, journalists, and the public at large. Big books require big claims, and a prose style to match. So-called crossover books—serious books, written by scholars, but designed to move public opinion—are our specialty.

We at The Outside Reader believe that crossover books are important, for authors, for readers, and the future of scholarship. We can help you identify crossover topics, models, and publishers, and show you what goes in a compelling proposal. If you’re looking for an agent, we can help you identify agents appropriate for your project and craft a query letter to attract their attention. And if you’ve already started your dream project, we can give you the editorial edge you need to finish it.

We believe that the publishing process shouldn’t be mysterious. We can’t guarantee you a book contract or an agent, but we can dramatically improve your odds of placing your manuscript with a publisher of your choice.

Just to be clear: we are not an agency, we cannot negotiate on your behalf, and we cannot offer legal advice. Instead, we can and will give you the information you need to become your own best advocate when dealing with agents and publishers.


Publishing consulting services are provided on an hourly basis (currently $175/hour to work with Audra), with a minimum charge of 4 hours. We offer priority scheduling for an additional fee.

Ready to get started?

Just email Audra. Please be sure to tell us what kind of help you’re looking for, where you are in the process (e.g., do you have a contract?), the approximate length (in words) of your current materials, and your preferred timeline.